
By-laws of the European Society of Arachnology (PDF)

1 Purpose

1.1 The European Society of Arachnology is a scientific association for the promotion of the science of arachnology.
1.2 It is apolitical and non-confessional.
1.3 The legal seat of the Society is Bern, Switzerland.

2 Activities

2.1 The Society organizes annually a European Congress of Arachnology, except for years where an International Congress of Arachnology is held. The local organizer of such congresses may receive a grant from the Society upon request.
2.2 The Society may also support other activities to promote arachnology.
2.3 The Society may charge membership fees and can also acquire other resources.
2.4 The Society maintains a website.
2.5 The Society publishes a Newsletter.

3 Structure of the society

3.1 The Society has two organs: the General Assembly and the Council.
3.2 The General Assembly is the legislative organ of the Society.
3.3 The Society is administered by a Council.
3.4 Working groups can be constituted for particular tasks.

4 Members

4.1 Membership is open to all arachnologists or those interested in supporting the aims of the Society. Applicants join the Society by filling out an internet form or by applying to the council.
4.2 The Society has three categories of members:  regular members (individuals), honorary members (individuals), and donating members (individuals or companies).
4.3 Honorary members are accepted by the General Assembly based on proposals made by the Council. This honorary title is awarded to those who rendered outstanding services to the Society or who contributed to arachnology in an outstanding manner. Honorary members do not pay the annual fees.
4.4 Membership of the Society is terminated by resignation presented to the Council, exclusion pronounced by the Council, death, or repeated non-payment of membership fees.

5 General Assembly

5.1 The General Assembly consists of all members of the Society.
5.2 The General Assembly meets during a European Congress of Arachnology. It may also be convoked by the Council or by one fourth of the society’s members.
5.3 The agenda of the General Assembly is decided by the Council. Only those items that appear on the agenda may be put to a vote.
5.4 Each member may request that a particular item appears on the agenda. The request must be made to the Council 2 months before the General Assembly meets.
5.5 Members are convoked by the Council at least 1 month before the date of the General Assembly and will receive the agenda.
5.6 Each member present at the General Assembly has one vote. Decisions are taken by the majority of votes. In case of an even vote, the President’s vote is decisive.
5.7 The General Assembly accepts the annual report of the Council.
5.8 The General Assembly nominates new members of the Council if necessary.
5.9 The General Assembly approves changes of the By-Laws of the Society.
5.10 Minutes of the General Assembly are published on the website of the Society.

6 The Council

6.1 The Society is administered by a Council of 10 members plus the organizers of the last, current and next European Congress of Arachnology. At least half of the Council members must be present for valid decisions.
6.2 The Council represents the Society.
6.3 The members of the Council are elected for 3 years by secret ballot at the General Assembly. They may be re-elected.
6.4 In the case of a vacancy, the Council may replace its members but the following General Assembly must confirm this decision.
6.5 The Council chooses from its members a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a vice treasurer and a secretary.
6.6 The treasurer is responsible for the finances of the Society.
6.7 Council members may be in charge of specific functions such as membership secretary, media secretary, proceedings, newsletter, webmaster.
6.8 Decisions are taken by majority vote. In case of an even vote, the President’s vote is decisive.
6.9 The Council meets during a European Congress of Arachnology. It can also be convoked by the President or a majority of its members.
6.10 The Council reports at the General Assembly about the activities of the Society. This report includes the financial situation of the Society.

7 Dissolution

7.1 The Society can only be dissolved by the General Assembly.
7.2 A decision is taken by majority vote.
7.3 The General Assembly will designate the beneficiary of the funds of the Society.

8 Validity

8.1 The modifications of statutes, regulations and ethical rules (version 2002) into by-laws have been approved by the General Assembly and came into force on 28th August 2015.