
Just visit our new member register and follow the quick instructions to become a member of the European Society of Arachnology.


Regular member: 30 EUR/year
Student member: 15 EUR/year
Lifetime member: 500 EUR

Recommended payment: Besides paying by bank transfer or Paypal (both with fees), paying cash at a conference is the easiest manner. If you pay several years in advance, you also have the ESA member discount for the next conference fees. Payment via other arachnological societies is no longer possible.

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer

We are sorry, we are exeriencing problems and are working on it.

Payment with PayPal

Please select the kind of membership below and enter the year for which you pay in the

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To cover the transaction costs of PayPal, the fees are slightly higher than the mere membership fees.


Conference fee discount: ESA members who pay their ESA membership fee before 31 March are guaranteed the ESA member discount for the ECA (European Congress of Arachnology) of the corresponding year.

Waived fees: members without a permanent job, students lacking a scholarship and/or live in countries where the economical situation is presently harsh may apply for “waived fees”, by sending an application letter with their argumentation for “waived fees” to the ESA membership secretary.